Elven Legacy Features

Interview: We've got a dozen answers back from Pavel Kondrashev, storyline author, and Tom Soderlund, producer at the publisher Paradox Interactive.
Strategy Informer: Can you clarify whether Elven Legacy is a direct sequel to Fantasy Wars or an expansion? Reports seem to differ as to the nature of the game.Tom: Elven Legacy is the direct sequel to Fantasy Wars, not an expansion. We plan to launch the base game in 2009, and there will be expansions coming later on.

Preview: We play Elven Legacy and find that it could be very good for your Elf. Geddit?.
Already a hit in its native Russia, Elven Legacy is a hex-based strategy game that its creator hopes will have the same commercial impact here in the UK and the surrounding European territories. Whether it will enjoy the same kind of success really depends on how many new players take to the grid-based movement and traditional fantasy setting. However there’s already enough of a faithful...