Evil Genius 2: World Domination Summary
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Evil Genius 2 Console Commands and Cheats

At launch, Evil Genius 2 is rather stingy with its console commands and cheats, but a few have slipped through the cracks.
Evil Genius 2: Abomination Pack DLC Lets You Convert Body Bags Into Undead Minions

The Evil Genius 2: Abomination Pack DLC adds a brand new side mission that grants players access to the Abomination Creation Station.
Evil Genius 2 Gets Free Portal Pack, Season Pass Expands With Mechanical Minions

Evil Genius 2's free Portal Pack DLC adds portals as new loot items, a cake that is both a lie and a trap, and more.
Evil Genius 2's Cabal Pack DLC Out Today, Adds New Henchman Espectro and More

Evil Genius 2's Cabal Pack DLC also comes with some new lair equipment and new side story objectives.
Evil Genius 2 Technical Difficulties Side Story - The Quest to Fix Your Lair and Trace Elusive Emails

Evil Genius 2's Technical Difficulties Side Story is the first step towards recruiting Janet Bombe as a Henchman or getting rid of her for good; here's how to trace her elusive emails and complete the quest.