Gwent: The Witcher Card Game Latest Updates
Gwent Patch Notes - Update 9.3 reintroduces Battle on Yaruga Bridge contracts and the Gascon leader model gets a rework

CD Projekt has released Patch 9.3 for Gwent, which introduces a lot of balance changes and adjustments across all factions.
Gwent This Game Version Is No Longer Supported Error - Can It Be Fixed?

Here's everything we currently know about Gwent's This game version is no longer supported error and whether or not there's a fix for it.
Gwent Patch Notes - Update 8.1 Adds New Madoc Card, Fixes and More

Gwent's Update 8.1 goes live tomorrow, its patch notes revealing the addition of the new Madoc card, fixes and more.
Gwent Patch 7.2 - Season of the Dryad Begins

Gwent's Patch 7.2 is now live, kicking off the Season of the Dryad with patch notes that reveal a major overhaul of leader abilities and more.
Gwent Patch Notes - Update 7.1 Adds New Journey, Balance Changes

Gwent's Update 7.1 is slated to launch tomorrow, its patch notes revealing three new milling options, a new Journey and more.