Heroes & Generals Summary
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New Heroes and Generals "Zhukov" update improves light tank warfare

Developer Reto-Moto has announced a new update to their World War II MMOFPS Heroes and Generals called Zhukov - Armored Ambush. The update improves light tank gameplay, adds some new tanks and adds some features such as camouflage for light tanks.
Xylander update for Heroes and Generals adds new Russian weapons, camouflage uniforms and more

Reto-Moto has released a big new update for its World War 2 MMOFPS Heroes and Generals. Titled Xylander, it adds a few new toys for the Soviet faction, new camouflage uniforms, weapon skins, and a new 'Battle Director' algorithm that decides when battles are hilariously unbalanced, and auto-resolves them. That should mean that players spend less time being forced to play in one-sided games. You'll also net extra Rank XP and Ribbon XP bonuses, allowing you to level up faster.
Soviet Russia invades Heroes and Generals in new update

A big new update for Heroes and Generals has popped up on Steam, adding, alongside new gear, playable characters, maps and gameplay improvements, a whole new faction in the form of Soviet Russia. Russia joins the existing US and German factions in the game's strategic MMOFPS arena, bringing "light tanks, medium tanks, a tank destroyer, a heavy tank, as well as a giant Anti-tank rifle, lots of new weapons, planes, paratroopers and a lot more."
Heroes and Generals updated with new hit detection system

An online shooter lives or dies on the quality of its gunplay, which is why developer Reto-Moto has updated its World War 2 themed title Heroes and Generals with an improved hit detection system. With the addition of the latest Spaatz Addon #2 update the game now uses server-side hit detection instead of the more common client-side hit detection.
Dev videolog details 'Leeb' update for Heroes & Generals

Reto-Moto has released a new "videolog" of their free-to-play browser-based massively multiplayer shooter Heroes & Generals, detailing the "Leeb" update, which mostly deals with UI and modeling.