Heroes of Might and Magic VII Summary
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Trial by Fire add-on announced for Might and Magic Heroes VII

Ubisoft has announced ‘Trial by Fire’, an add-on for turn-based strategy game, Might and Magic Heroes VII. The new add-on will enable players to decide what lies ahead for the Dwarven community in the world of Ashan, as they take charge of a new Fortress faction. Trial by Fire will follow the relationship between the Dwarven Kingdom of Grimheim and the Holy Griffin Empire as tensions grow between the two. The add-on introduces two new campaigns and promises improved mechanics as well as extra content in the form of bonus Scenario and Skirmish maps, written by renowned Heroes IV’s writer, Terry B. Ray.
Might and Magic Heroes VII now allowing mods via Steam Workshop!

Might and Magic Heroes has done its best to stay true to delivering good strategy combat gameplay throughout the years, and though Might and Magic VII may not be even close to the best of the series, Limbic Entertainment is still committed to doing its best to deliver what Might and Magic fans have come to expect. Today, they announced they'd be putting power into community hands with Steam Workshop support.