Hitman Episode 2 - Sapienza Summary


Hitman Episode 2 - Sapienza Review

Hitman Episode 2 - Sapienza.

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Hitman – World of Assassination Replaces Hitman 3 Later This Month, Includes First Two Games

Hitman – World of Assassination Replaces Hitman 3 Later This Month, Includes First Two Games

Available as a free upgrade for owners of the third game in the trilogy, Hitman – World of Assassination will also streamline purchase options for new players looking to get into the series.

The First Episode Of HITMAN Has Gone Completely Free On All Platforms

The First Episode Of HITMAN Has Gone Completely Free On All Platforms

IO Interactive seemed like they were on top of the world when the episodic HITMAN gained acclaim with each new mission. Then, once it was all wrapped up, the truth came out. Figures weren't up to snuff for Square Enix causing them to break ties with the developers.

Hijack The Sapienza Festival Del Paese In The New Bonus 'Landslide' HITMAN Mission

Hijack The Sapienza Festival Del Paese In The New Bonus 'Landslide' HITMAN Mission

We've been sat here wondering when news of the next 'season' of HITMAN would begin, but with a new bonus mission now out for the current one, our expectations are all over the floor.

Hitman’s latest elusive target invades Sapienza this weekend

Hitman’s latest elusive target invades Sapienza this weekend

Despite reviewing and greatly enjoying every episode of Hitman so far, I still haven’t managed to go after any of the game’s limited-time elusive targets. The sixth mark will hit the game this weekend, and it sounds like there’s an extra trick to taking him out. Even if you fail, at least it will be a reason to revisit Sapienza.

IO Interactive reveals that Hitman's third episode, Marrakesh, will launch on 31st May

IO Interactive reveals that Hitman's third episode, Marrakesh, will launch on 31st May

IO Interactive has announced today that the third episode for Hitman, Marrakesh, will launch on the 31st May, which is next Tuesday. Agent 47 is on a journey to the capital of Morocco in the Marrakesh episode, where he's on the hunt for two targets; an army General and a private banker. The mission is called The Gilded Cage and private banker Claus Strandberg believes he's safe within the walls of the Swedish Consulate, while the Army General Reza Zaydan is guarded by his elite soldiers at the headquarters in town.

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