Kerbal Space Program Summary
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Kerbal Space Program celebrates 10th anniversary with 1.12 "On Final Approach" update

Kerbal Space Program reaches its 10th anniversary, with over 5 million units sold worldwide, but it has one final update with the 1.12 "On Final Approach" patch.
Kerbal Space Program Shattered Horizons Update - 1.10 Patch Notes Revealed

Kerbal Space Program's Shattered Horizons Update 1.10 is now live, a look at its patch notes revealing the addition of ESA missions, comets and more.
Kerbal Space Program Blasts off into Shared Horizons this July

Kerbal Space Program have announced the release date for the free Shared Horizon update.
Kerbal Space Program: Breaking Ground Gets May Release Date

Kerbal Space Program's second expansion, Breaking Ground, adds robotic parts, new surface features, a brand new robotic suit and more.