LEGO Universe Summary
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Funcom announces new LEGO MMO, LEGO Minifigures Online

MMO developer Funcom has announced LEGO Minifigures Online, which would be the second attempt to bring the toy brand to the MMO space; the first was the sadly failed LEGO Universe.
LEGO Universe switches off forever

The MMO of plastic that was LEGO Universe has switched off and packed up its colourful bricks for good, as the one year old game got "nowhere near" the users it needed to survive. Ever after they trialled free-to-play they couldn't get a "satisfactory revenue" going, and decided to call it a day. LEGO Universe switched off at midnight EST (5am GMT).
LEGO Universe to be shuttered January 2012

LEGO Universe, we hardly knew ye. The kid-oriented LEGO-based MMO will be officially shuttered on the 31st January 2012, while the LEGO Universe staff was informed that the 'Play Well Studios' in Louisville, Colorado and the game's marketing function in Billund, Denmark will be closed. This will result in 115 employees being let go, though they will be offered assistance in finding new jobs inside or outside the LEGO Group.
New LEGO Universe level progression

The LEGO group has issued a press release announcing that LEGO Universe players will now enjoy a new level progression system, earned as players complete in-game missions. Doing so will unlock achievements and points, allowing minifigs to rise through the ranks up to level 40. Leveling a character will grant new rewards such as new equipment, abilities and backpack slots.
LEGO Universe going free-to-play in August

City of Heroes isn't the only MMO that's announced it'll be going free-to-play. The LEGO Group has also revealed that LEGO Universe will be going free-to-play this August. The game will also be switching to digital distribution instead of retail disc.