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MU Online Is Getting a Speed Server and Events for Its Huge Grow Lancer Class Renewal Update

The latest injection of new content for MU Online is one of the most significant yet.
MU Online Invites Players To Speed Level on 900% Drop Rate Server

15 years in an MU Online is still going strong. Ahead of the Season 11 release, WEBZEN has committed to bringing online a special 'Speed Event' server on October 4th inviting players to rush to the game's exponential level 600 cap with a buff to EXP rates alongside a huge 900% increase in item drop rates of all kind. How big the EXP buff is isn't entirely clear, but with MU Online being a hack n' slash similar to Diablo, there's a chance the brunt of speed leveling will be achieved by receiving stronger equipment more quickly through the increased drop rates inviting players to kill demons usually far stronger than themselves.