PlanetSide 2 Summary
PlanetSide 2 Review
Taking a trip planetside? Remember to bring an army with you.
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PlanetSide 2 Server Status - Why Is It Down for Maintenance?

Why are the PlanetSide 2 servers Offline? Are the servers down for Maintenance? Here's the latest news on the first-person shooter's Server Status.
Check out the final moments of Planetside 1

Prior to July 1st 2016, Planetside 1 had been running for thirteen years. Launching back in May 2003, the MMOFPS outlived several MMOs including Tabula Rasa, The Matrix Online and Auto Assault. We don’t think anyone expected Planetside 1 to live this long, let alone the developers. When it came time to shut down the game completely, fans decided to pay their respects to the game for one last time. Steven Messner, the creator of this video captured Planetside 1’s last moments as he and a bunch of people experienced everything the developers had to offer for the finale. In the last minute of the game’s life, a meteor storm hit the world, ending the incredibly long war almost instantly.
Daybreak shows off base building and other upcoming features for PlanetSide 2

Daybreak Game Company, formerly Sony Online Entertainment, unveiled the hotly anticipated base building feature for their MMOFPS Planetside 2, along with some other upcoming features. With base building, players will have the ability to harvest and then construct temporary fortifications, using vehicles called."ANTs" (Advanced Nanite Transports.) ANTs harvest resource nodes which will appear around the map. With it will come goals that offer sub-objectives outside the typical base fight.
Daybreak Games reveals Halloween festivities for Everquest, DC Universe Online and others

Daybreak Games, formerly Sony Online Entertainment before Sony sold it to Columbus Nova, has announced the Halloween festivities planned for its various online games.
Planetside 2 players gather for record-breaking FPS battle

Now that's what I call a real firefight. Planetside 2 players gathered for a good old-fashioned scrum over the weekend, with 1,158 grunts taking to the field to break the world record for the largest online FPS battle. According to fansite and event organiser Planetside Battles, the record-breaking skirmish resulted in an impressive 53,729 kills, 3,822 team kills, 5,089 vehicles destroyed, and 31 separate base captures.