Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare Summary
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Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare could receive a sequel, PopCap survey fans

The third-person shooter Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare from PopCap Games could be planting sequel seeds as Gary Clay of the studio has asked for the "number 1 feature to add". Also what characters would the community like to see return, or introduced? It's unclear whether this is idle curiosity from the team, or perhaps something more to drum up support internally.
Dragon Age: Inquisition chronicles "Plants vs. Corpses" at the "battle of Pauper's Cap"

Forget the large cheese wheels plaguing all of Thedas, as BioWare have included a cheeky Easter Egg in their Dragon Age: Inquisition codex for something known as "Plants vs. Corpses". If that wasn't enough this battle between demon-raised corpses and apostate-summoned plant life takes place at "Pauper's Cap", giving a nice place in Thedas for PopCap Games' Plants vs. Zombies.
Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare's 'Legends of the Lawn' update drops today

Horticultural team-based shooter Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare is set to receive a free content update today. Titled Legends of the Lawn, it adds new character variants, a new mode and a bunch of cosmetic character options. New mode 'Taco Bandits' is essentially a fast food-themed take on Capture the Flag, with the plant team defending their precious tacos against hordes of greedy undead.
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare free for 72 hours on Origin 'Game Time'

EA is offering 72 free hours of Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare as part of its ongoing "Game Time" promotion, as long as customers download the game before August 25. Same deal as previous offers for Titanfall and Battlefield 4; download the game, and once you boot it up the clock starts running down in real-time. A bit like 24, but probably less tense.
EA come up with charmless advertisement DLC for Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare

PopCap Games is releasing a free new DLC pack for Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare today, featuring a new map, a new mode and two new characters sponsored by soft drink Aquafina FlavorSplash. The 'Tactical Taco Party Pack' will automatically download today for Windows PC and Xbox consoles.