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Split/Second studio Black Rock "officially closes its doors today"

The Disney Interactive owned Black Rock Studios is now officially closed down confirms former director Nick Baynes. Three new studios have already formed. Cancelled projects at Black Rock included a sequel to Pure, and to Split/Second. Some claimed Disney 'mishandled' the Brighton studio by outsourcing.
Disney moving from consoles to casual gaming?

Analysts think Disney's closer of UK-based Black Rock is influenced by their perception that families are moving away from console gaming and embracing social networking and casual gaming such as Facebook.
Split/Second developer Black Rock Studios closed by Disney

Brighton-based Black Rock Studios are set to shut their doors after Disney decides the developer is no longer feasible. Their latest project wasn't greenlit. Earlier this year a workforce pruning left only 40 developers at the UK studio, of which two new studios sprung to life in their wake. Farewell Black Rock.
Black Rock hiring for new game

Disney gives word that Pure developer Black Rock Studios is on the lookout for an "experienced Technical Art Director" for a new game. Whatever it is, all most certainly a racer, it's coming to Xbox 360 and PS3. The devs latest game was Split/Second: Velocity - all about splosions!