RAID: World War II Summary
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Starbreeze Seeks Financial Support, Overkill's The Walking Dead Delayed

Company sells its shares to raise $30 million / £21.1 million in order to fund its projects.
Fight Nazi's in RAID: World War II when it launches on 26th September on PC

Starbreeze, Lion Game Lion and 505 Games announced today that it's upcoming four-player cooperative first-person shooter RAID: World War II, is set to be released on 26th September for PC, while the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions will arrive in October.
Give The Middle Finger To The Nazis And Loot Their Stuff In RAID: World War II

What do you do when you find it's World War II and the Third Reich is about to wrap its dirty claws around the whole of Europe? Assemble a goon squad and just let them go nuts. Welcome to RAID: World War II.