Republique Summary
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République Remastered announced for PC February 26th, powered by Unity 5

Independent developer Camouflaj has announced they've remastered their stealth adventure République for its PC debut, having enjoyed critical acclaim for Android and iOS. PC gamers get an upgrade to the new Unity 5. They boast theirs will be the first commercial title to "fully utilize" the newest Unity 5 engine. In the game we must assist a young woman escaping an Orwellian state using hacked surveillance.
Republique edges past 500K goal with 6 hours to spare

Developer Camouflaj managed to get its $500K fundraising goal, despite having only raised $220K with a week left til the deadline.
Voice actors David Hayter and Jennifer Hale sign up for Republique

Struggling Kickstarter project Republique will feature Solid Snake and Commander Shepard, as indie developer Camouflaj has signed up David Hayter and Jennifer Hale to provide voiceover work for the strategy-RPG. Hayter will be playing the head revolutionary, and developer Ryan Payton states he wrote the game with Hayter in mind for the role. Meanwhile, Hale, who has also voiced the role of Metal Gear's Naomi Hunter, will be playing the archvillainess, The Mentor.
Kickstarter project Republique coming to PC

Developer Camouflaj, which is comprised of videogame industry veterans who worked on major AAA titles like Metal Gear Solid, Halo, and F.E.A.R., have acceded to public demand and have announced on the official Kickstarter page that their Metroidvania-styled conspiracy/espionage iOS game Republique would be coming to PC and Mac.