The project had suffered despite Camouflaj being comprised of developers who had worked on the Metal Gear Solid series, Halo 4, and F.E.A.R, headed by Ryan Payton. The game was originally only for iOS devices, but when the team expanded to PC and Mac OS when the project made almost no headway for the first two weeks, interest perked up.
Last week, Camouflaj announced it would be utilizing the voice talents of David Hayter and Jennifer Hale, both of whom were Metal Gear Solid veterans, which spurred more funding.
Republique is the tale of a young woman in a totalitarian state who uses a stolen phone to beg the user for help. Together, you and the woman hack into the nation’s surveillance system, assume control, and help her escape from the clutches of the omnipresent Overseer, who is played by Hale.
Camouflaj also posted the debut trailer of the game as well, in addition to giving thanks to the gamers who helped raise funds for the title.