Rise of Immortals Summary
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April Fool's Day: Rise of Immortals introduces the Crabomancer
![April Fool's Day: Rise of Immortals introduces the Crabomancer](https://images.gamewatcherstatic.com/news/image/3/ea/11223/index_0024383.webp)
Petroglyph has unveiled the latest immortal for their MOBA Rise of Immortals. It is none other than Karapyss the Crabomancer! This character was designed by none other than the guys at Penny Arcade, and it shows.
Rise of Immortals DLC announced
![Rise of Immortals DLC announced](https://images.gamewatcherstatic.com/news/image/5/80/13875/index_0020720.webp)
Rise of Immortals, the latest DOTA-style strategy game, may have just been released, but the official forum is outlining plans for the first post-release immortal named Trovoc.
Rise of Immortals released today
![Rise of Immortals released today](https://images.gamewatcherstatic.com/news/image/4/7f/13954/index_0020632.webp)
Petroglyph Games has announced that their free-to-play, DOTA-styled multiplayer online battle arena game, Rise of Immortals, is now available from the official site.