SimCity 4: Rush Hour Summary
Latest Updates gets zoning permit for SimCity 4, "crowning achievement" of the series

SimCity 4 has a new home on as the Deluxe Edition battles rush hour to deliver the original game and its expansion in one super Mayoral package. It's entirely DRM-free as we'd expect. For the first 72 hours you can build your dream metropolis for just $4.99 before eventually going up to its regular tax rate of $19.99. Don't forget the Network Addon Mod.
Medieval sandbox city-builder Banished inspired by Anno, Settlers and SimCity

A city built how you want it without arbitrary tech requirements or the demand to log into a server? Madness. Indie developer Luke Hodorowicz has created Banished, a medieval-style sandbox to play in. Maps are randomly generated and its from here we act as the "collective consciousness" of the town, striving to make it prosper - we're no God or Mayor. Townspeople are our resource.
Maxis: "Performance constraints" factored into city limits, "more variety"

Some have expressed their concerns over city limit sizes witnessed in SimCity so far, and Maxis have confirmed that the largest city space is about that of a medium-sized one in SimCity 4. These 2 kilometres by 2 kilometres spaces though benefit from the GlassBox engine, which gives us "more variety, more change at local levels" and leave us to rely on our smarts.
More SimCity 2013 details emerge, needed PC specs

EA Maxis has confirmed rumours that have been screaming for a while; a new SimCity is ready burst into our lives. Now more details are flowing from GDC in San Francisco about it. It uses the GlassBox engine to power the game which is "revolutionary simulation" tech letting us toy with "individual Sims lives" whilst managing a whole city. Collector's Edition? Of course!
Maxis GDC event ignites SimCity rumours

Could EA Maxis be thinking of a new SimCity instalment? It's a tenuous hope at best. EA has announced that Maxis will be a part of their Game Changer event at GDC, held March 6th. Of the Maxis event they tease a "huge event w/ special guests." The Facebook for Game Changer asks what would you do if you had the "power to change the world?"