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Best SOMA Mods
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- [Mod]
- Posted over 9 years ago
Have you beaten SOMA? Are you looking for a new challenge? Do you not mind getting caught up in some classic zombie shenanigans? This mod offers a new challenge where you must survive in your home as legions of dead attempt to break in and find their way to you. Survive long enough and help just might come, but don’t count on it.
- [Mod]
- Posted over 9 years ago
SOMA is full of rather horrifying things in an unsettling environment, but for how much detail the game has, you’re going to spend a lot of time running without many chances to just look around. This is especially true of the monsters. This mod will offer you a special opportunity. With it, monsters will remain passive. Not only will you coast through the game, but you’ll be able to get a closer look at the genuinely unsettling environments and creatures as they patrol about.
- [Mod]
- Posted over 9 years ago
While you probably won’t want to use this mod during your entire playthrough, for the occasional moment when you’re stuck in a small room with an enemy outside and no way to escape, being able to turn off enemy damage is something of a lifesaver.
- [Mod]
- Posted over 9 years ago
- 1 download
Rather than slowly building up tension through environmental design and pacing, this custom map instead traps you in a mist-filled carriage and proceeds to throw sanity-draining enemies at you. Not as subtle as some levels, perhaps, but a good example of what can be created using SOMA’s mod tools.
- [Mod]
- Posted over 9 years ago
- 1 download
This is a story mod for SOMA in which the player starts in a room with Catherine, and then deals with a horde of monsters waiting for them in the basement and outside, threatening to tear down the house. Survival is highly doubtful in this scenario.
- [Mod]
- Posted over 9 years ago
Do you ever tire of the constant dread of sitting in claustrophobic spaces waiting for enemies to either go away or at least leave the path to freedom open in SOMA? Then Wafer might be for you. In this modded scenario, WAU knows where you are and there’s nothing standing between you and your enemies. The best recourse? Run. Just run for your life and don’t slow down for anything.
- [Mod]
- Posted over 9 years ago
Have you escaped and eluded the challenging nightmare scape of SOMA? Looking to tackle a new challenge in the same universe? Maybe you’ll be interested to check out the Omnitool Challenge mod, which tasks you with finding the Omnitool device on each level and escaping back to an elevator to move onto the next. The game promises creative maps and challenges with a somewhat absurd ending.
- [Mod]
- Posted over 9 years ago
SOMA’s core experience is pretty simple when it comes to inventory. Tools found will usually be usable within the area, ensuring that you’ll never need more than two of them at once. On the other hand, it limits modders to using the same limited tool interface. This mod fixes that. With it, you can access Amnesia-style inventory menus and use them to store more items and expand creativity in your own SOMA mods.