Strike Vector EX Latest Updates
Free weekend trial for Strike Vector starts today

Strike Vector is a fun game, a frantic multiplayer dog-fighter with a bucketload of customisation options. If you haven't tried it out yet, now is a very good time to do so. This weekend, from today until Sunday August 10, you'll be able to check the game out for free.
Multiplayer 'aerial shooter' Strike Vector launches January 28th

What tops a high speed jet dogfighting in the skies? A jet that's also a mech and goes all first-person shooter, that's what! Strike Vector was built by an indie team of nine in just 15 months. Despite that quick sounding lead time, Strike Vector has some rather tasty visuals and seems to have the gameplay to back them up - fancy that. Ready to pilot a hyper-speed VTOL?
Strike Vector to enter open beta in January

Indie studio Rage Quit, comprised of 9 developers, has announced that their fast-paced flying shooter Strike Vector will be entering open beta in January 2014.
Dog-fighting game Strike Vector enters open beta in January 2014

Designed "in the pure tradition of the sacred monsters of hardcore FPS such as Quake 3", Strike Vector features furiously paced first and third-person flight combat. The nine-man team behind Strike Vector have also announced that all DLC relased for the game will be free. "No premium versions, no micro-payments, no no costly DLCs! All of that will be free for players."
Satellite Reign, The 7th Guest among 15 games greenlit for Steam

Fifteen games have been greenlit for Steam, Valve has announced, and included among the games is Satellite Reign, a spiritual successor to the classic management RPG/strategy game Syndicate, a remake of the classic puzzle game The 7th Guest, and Nekro, a weird Dungeon Keeper-style game in which the player raises the dead for troops.