Stronghold Crusader 2 Features

Interview: Strategy Informer spoke with Firefly CEO Simon Bradbury about the pressure of revisiting Crusader after so long, the benefits of crowdfunding and the changing state of the strategy landscape.
This July marks the eleventh anniversary of Firefly Studios' Stronghold Crusader, and while 2008 brought with it Stronghold Crusader Extreme, we've not had an all-new Crusader since 2002. That's about to change. Firefly Studios are at work on Stronghold Crusader 2, a self-published, 3D sequel to a game Firefly feel especially fond of. With a potential 2013 launch for Crusader 2,...

Interview: Michael Westgarth talks strategy with Firefly's Paul Harris.
It's been a long time in the making, but Firefly's highly anticipated Stronghold Crusaders 2 is on its way. We caught up with Firefly Senior Producer Paul Harris at EGX Rezzed 2014, where an alpha version of the game was being shown off to the public. Read on to see what Harris has to say about Stronghold Crusaders 2's new units, its co-op mode, its visuals and more. ...

Preview: Michael Westgarth travels across the dessert to look at Stronghold Crusader 2.
Improving on a classic can be a difficult thing, especially when the classic in question is over a decade old. But this is precisely what strategy videogame veterans Firefly Studios are attempting to do with Stronghold Crusader 2, the follow up to 2001's fan favourite Stronghold Crusader. The Firefly gang made their way to this year's EGX Rezzed to show off a Stronghold Crusader...