Tales of Berseria Summary
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Bandai Namco Games And Humble Bundle Team Up For Their Second Shot At Your Wallet

It might still be the middle of the week, but it's never too early to plan the weekend's gaming ahead of time. Need suggestions? Well, BANDAI NAMCO wants to influence your choices.
Tales Of Berseria's PC Specs Have Been Revealed - Demo Due Later Today

Those waiting to take up Bandai Namco's offering of Tales of Berseria on PC still have a two weeks to wait, but a demo releasing in just a few hours time will hopefully tide them over.
Tales of Berseria's Velvet Seeks Revenge in New 'Origin' Trailer

Straight out of last week's Tokyo Game Show festivities, BANDAI NAMCO were on stage to give another fresh look at the latest from the ever-lasting 'Tales of' series - Tales of Berseria. Featured in the new trailer is a short story animation hell-bent on dishing out the feels by explaining just how a character named Velvet came about her plot for revenge. Swords, screams, ships and a pretty interesting soundtrack preview all wrap around some new gameplay footage.
Details arise on Tales of Berseria’s characters, world, and combat

While Japanese game development has shrunk significantly in the past few years, there’s more than just a new Final Fantasy every half-decade to keep your JRPG dreams alive. Bandai Namco announced last year that we’d be seeing a new Tales game in 2016, and today they offered up some details.
Tales of Berseria coming to PC in the West sometime in 2016

Tales of Berseria is the sixteenth game in the long-running "Tales of" series, and publisher Bandai Namco has officially announced that it will be hitting PC when it's released on Western shores.