The Banner Saga Latest Updates Announces Summer Sale, Obduction Free For 48 Hours

Good Old Games has announced their 2019 Summer Sale, which will include Obduction free for the next two days, as well as BioShock Infinite Complete Edition for 75% off.
Stoic Plans To Work On A New IP Before Revisiting The Banner Saga World

The Banner Saga 3 is on the horizon. After another successful Kickstarter campaign for Stoic, the ball is well and truly moving toward the conclusion of the trilogy. But what's next for the company?
Banner Saga 3 Is Funded - Here Is Your Single Stretch Goal

If you're one of the 4,000 who pledged to see Stoic finish their trilogy with The Banner Saga, you're making it happen. It's funded.
Stoic Are Turning Back To Kickstarter To Finish Banner Saga 3

Allowing their would-be players control over their first game was one thing, but Stoic eventually decided to go the self-funding way for Banner Saga 2. Missing the mark, they're turning back to the watchful eyes of player's cash to finish the trilogy.
Stoic Admits They "Dropped The Ball" With The Banner Saga 2 - But The Trilogy Will End

Following the huge success of indie smash-hit The Banner Saga, everything was looking up for the ex-Bioware startup. But a few wrong decisions left its sequel performing far below its predecessor.