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EA donates $1.65 million to American Cancer Society following Humble campaign

A total of $10.5 million has been carved up between five different charities in the wake of the Humble Bundle sale that included some of EA's biggest PC games, of which they kept none of the revenue. Peter Moore tweeted he's "so proud of Team EA" for raising the $10.5m from the charity campaign, with $1.65m of that going to the American Cancer Society.
Humble Origin Bundle passes $9M, headed to $10M

The Humble Origin Bundle continues to raise gobs of cash for charity, as sales have topped $9M and are headed to $10M. The Bundle includes Dead Space, Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, Mirror's Edge, Dead Space 3, Medal of Honor, and Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box, with Battlefield 3, The Sims 3 with two Starter Pack add-ons, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising and Populous for donating more than the average price (currently just under $5 USD.)
Humble Origin Bundle "biggest bundle ever" with over $6m in sales, 1.25m sold

Humble Bundle has announced that EA's Humble Origin Bundle is their greatest performer to-date, with over 1.25 million bundles sold raising "over $6 million" in sales. All proceeds go to various charities. Nine days are left for the Humble Origin Bundle, which continues to rocket in sales. The last big money draw was the Humble Indie Bundle V back in June, raising $5.1m.
Humble Bundle goes Origin titles this time

The Humble Bundle has a new set of games up for purchase, and this time it's Electronic Arts and Origin games, highlighted by Dead Space and Dead Space 3.
The Sims 3: Into The Future announced, features time-travel with 'consequences'

In a shocking twist sure to have your beverage of choice sprayed all over the screen, EA has announced another expansion for The Sims 3. This time it's, well, actually it's about time itself. Apparently The Sims have discovered time-travel, so make sure your Sims work some overtime to afford that jetpacked, hoverboarding lifestyle you've been dreaming off for them.