Theatre of War Features

Interview: Martin van Balkom and Nikolay Barishnikov joined forces and answered a few of our questions.
Strategy Informer: Firstly, could you introduce yourself to our readers? Martin van Balkom: Sure, my name is Martin van Balkom from I am mainly running the business side behind the scenes. In other words, all the boring stuff while the others get to do the fun stuff like making games, playing them and all that....

Preview: Theatre of War, like many WWII based games, has the gamer filling the shoes of a commander on the battlefield. The task is once again to take out the Germans and their relentless numbers.
When it comes to World War II games, no matter what the genre, one has to admit the period in history has been beat to death. Whether it is librating another city in France or storming the same German stronghold, there isn’t much left for gamers to experience. As a result the only way a game is going to attract the attention of the videogame community is by either crafting something new...