Tribes Vengeance Summary
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Hi-Rez announces all previous Tribes titles are free, including Earthsiege titles

Hi-Rez has announced on the Tribles Universe website that the studio is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Tribes franchise by offering every game in the series completely free.
Hi-Rez Studios' Tribes: Ascend will be free-to-play, trailer out

When launched, Tribes: Ascend will be using the free-to-play model as developer Hi-Rez Studios favours purchasable equipment and weapon loadouts. They're currently "focused on delivering" PC Tribes: Ascend, adding that eventual XBLA and PSN versions are "not out of the question" but aren't this year.
Irrational "didn't have a chance to finish" Tribes: Vengeance

Time was the enemy for Tribes: Vengeance claims producer Chris Mahnken, adding that management changes didn't help either. Vivendi at fault? The "corporate overlords" at Vivendi at the time were closing studios left and right, and Sierra was axed 6 weeks before Vengeance shipped.
Hi-Rez need "solid group" of alpha testers for Tribes Universe

Development of MMOFPS Tribes Universe is well underway and Hi-Rez Studios has opened up to more applicants for its alpha testing phase. It was restricted to level 50 Global Agenda users but they need more to pad the roster. It's focused on the game's "huge battles on huge landscapes".
New Tribes battle "100+ players"

Hi-Rez, developer of Global Agenda, is making an all-new Tribes game with the goal of "100+ players" battling in the same map. It's a PvP MMO. It's called Tribes Universe and exists because they "can't transform" Global Agenda to support "large scale fighting." It's a "significant rewrite" or two.