Tropico 4 Features

Interview: Gooood Evening Tropico!
Tropico 3 was a fine return to form for a series that had been absent. It returned to the Cold War, it provided fun and compelling gameplay, and was full of catchy tunes, tongue-in-cheek humour, and a certain lovable Spanish DJ. With The First Templar now out of the way, Haemimont Games are finally ready to talk to us about their next sequel - Tropico 4....

Preview: Extensive impressions of the latest in the tycoon and city management series.
Ever wanted to run your own country? That’s essentially what the Tropico games have allowed players to do since the release of the original back in 2001. Set across several fictional Caribbean islands during the Cold War era, the series has always provided an addictive blend of tycoon management and civilisation simulation. Ten years and two games later,...

Preview: Good Morning Tropico!
The city building genre wasn’t what it once was. Let’s be honest – the last Sim City game sucked and the one before that wasn’t great – so much so that the best game in that series’ recent history has been on the iPad. Cities XL’s vision of an MMO-like city building experience fell flat, too. Thank the lord, then, for Tropico.