Ultimate General: Gettysburg Latest Updates
Ultimate General: Civil War Fires Onto Steam Early Access

Game-Labs, the developers of the critically acclaimed strategy game “Ultimate General: Gettysburg”, have just released their next game on Steam Early Access.
Ultimate General: Gettysburg charges out of Early Access and into full release on Steam

Nick Thomadis is the heroic designer responsible for DarthMod, the excellent, some would even say essential, series of unofficial mods for the Total War games. His first independent project is civil war RTS Ultimate General: Gettysburg, which has just moved out of Early Access and into a full release on Steam.
DarthMod creator developing RTS Ultimate General: Gettysburg

The creator of the Total War DarthMod series, which significantly overhauled AI much to the delight of fans, has announced he's making a full game. It's a real-time strategy called Ultimate General: Gettysburg. Nick Thomadis says there were "things that I could not deliver to players as a modder," and so decided to try his skill at a full game. His plans include autonomous AI and a 'complex morale system'.