Worms W.M.D. Features

Preview: The worms are back, more destructive than ever!
Let me share a fact that may shock you: I’ve never played a Worms game. Sure, the series is so inescapably prolific that I’ve managed to absorb its basic tenets through osmosis, but I’ve never commanded those little worms for myself. That is, until I got the chance to go hands on with the upcoming title in the series, Worms W.M.D.

Interview: We chat with Team17 about Worms W.M.D.
The Worms are returning once again, this time with a classic yet fresh 2D art style. The warrior annelids have a variety of deadly new toys at their disposal, from new weapons to vehicles to buildings even to a full crafting system. It’s shaping up to be an excellent new entry in the franchise, and one that should please both newcomers and franchise veterans alike. We recently got the chance to fire...