Download Advanced AI mod 0.98 improved by AEI v2.8
More Command & Conquer: Generals Zero Hour Mods
This is the AdvancedAIMod0.98 /by Lion & r42/, updated and improved by AEI /version 2.8/. The aim of the mod and my improvements is to create the greatest AI available for ZH. There are a lot of new fixes and improvements added by me, and the AI will use more humanlike tactics as well. This mod was also made because the AI in ZH is too easy. It uses stupid tactics, builds mediocre bases and normally has $50k in bank that it will never use. Beating 7 AIs on hard shouldnt be possible but it is, this mod is to change that, giving the AI a better tactical awareness, faster expansion, more viciousness and better economy management. Some of the new improvements: - Fixed scripts and improved behaviour for tech terror and battle bus attacks, and added more of them. - Tech rpg attacks. - AI dozer hunting. - The AI will MD drop the enemy and use the combat chinook. - Enabled MOAB for all USA's. - Enabled Carpet bombing for all China factions. - Enabled the neutron artillery for China and Nuke. - GLA factions will finally use carbombs. - They will now be able to utilize the 50+ types of cars, trucks and buses available on the battlefield. Sometimes the carbombs will attack in packs. - China's finally will use their Helixes, loaded with Tank Hunters, to rush the enemy. - China factions will now target with cluster mines enemy units/tunnels, instead of mindlessly droping them in their own base, even when their base is already mined. - USA's Auroras will attack enemy powerplants with primary priority if they see that the enemy is low on excess power. - Stealth and vanilla GLA's will send technicals loaded with saboteurs to reset the enemy's SW. - Stealth General will now build powerplant and barracks when he hijacks a dozer. - GLA's will use more demo traps. - The AI will now consider having enemy patriots and tunnels in its base a base invasion, and it will build high priority base defence teams to deal with the threat. The AI will also have initial defence team to guard its base against early patdrops and tunnelbuilders. - Tank general will now be able to build his "hidden" airfield and will attack with aircraft as well. Initial - Helix rush is also added for the general. And many, many more features. 1.06 Patch note - USA's Stealth fighters will have higher priority for ECM tanks. - The AI will take advantage of the new general points system, so now some generals will purchase more and different general powers than before. - Fixed an issue with the 1.06 patch, where Demo was unable to use General Power Rebel Ambush, due to its changed name in the patch /now Demo Rebel Ambush/. - The speed of the carbombs is the same as in the 1.04 patch, so that the AI can take advantage of them. - Be aware that some of the maps that come with the 1.06 patch are not AI optimized, so playing against the AI on them is not recommended. Check the Readme of the mod for all the fixes and improvements. To install, backup your INI folder and file, then replace them with those from the mod. C:\Program Files\EA Games\Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour\Data\INI C:\Program Files\EA Games\Command & Conquer Generals Zero Hour\Data\Scripts For ZH 1.04/1.06 Credits and special thanks to: Lion r42 C&C Labs community Have a nice play. :)
Credits: AEI
File name | Downloads | Added |
AdvancedAIMod_v2.8.9.rar | 92 | 24 Aug 2015 |