Download CK2 Performance Textures - Flat Map and blank normals

-----------------FLAT TERRAIN AND BLANK NORMALS:----------------- This is a small texture replacement for CK2 v2.1 to v2.2.1 which makes terrain flat and replaces some normal maps with blank ones. It's based on older mods which did mostly the same but dont work properly anymore. Should provide better performance for underpowered machines while still looking detailed. Its been tested and it sure feels a lot smoother, especially when panning and zooming. I *would* like to make the "independent realms" ocean overlay a bit brighter - but that doesnt seem to be controlled by these textures and may be a shader.. Any suggestions appreciated. MAKE SURE to disable water rendering in settings.txt (more fps!) for this to work correctly. And of course if youre using this you shouldve disabled tree rendering already, being the main performance hit. I suggest you set em like this: mapRenderingOptions= { draw_terrain=yes draw_water=no draw_borders=yes draw_trees=no draw_rivers=no draw_postfx=yes draw_sky=no draw_bloom=no draw_tooltips=yes draw_hires_terrain=no draw_citysprawl=no } You can also disable postfx but then the whole thing looks bland and its not a big perf hit anyway. For the snow to have the proper appearance using these textures you'll have to set these values in the NGraphics section of "defines.lua" inside /common (use notepad/notepad++): MILD_WINTER_VALUE = 75, NORMAL_WINTER_VALUE = 100, SEVERE_WINTER_VALUE = 125 (Please read general instructions and important stuff below) -----------------(new)LOADING SCREENS:----------------- These modifications were made quite simply with Paint.NET. If you so desire you can also use that program or a similar one to edit the loading screens in gfx/loadingscreens : open them all, resize them to your screen horizontal size (maintaining aspect ratio!) and then save them as DXT1 Fast. That way a 10MB texture is reduced to 600KB in my case (1360x768 screen size, 1360x1020 texture) and the quality difference is negligible. This wont make the game run much faster, but may help with RAM constraints. Most people use 1080p monitors nowadays but 1366x768 is a close second according to steam stats, so ill upload a "pack" for that resolution (1366x768!). These textures are all made by Paradox, I have only rescaled them and saved them in a different format. -----------------INSTRUCTIONS & IMPORTANT NOTES:----------------- >>>These modifications are not in .mod&.zip packages so steam will probably overwrite them with each subsequent patch. And of course achievements will be disabled just like with every other mod. To go back to having the proper checksum (for ironman mode for example) you'll need to restore the original files. >>>To apply these mods just overwrite the respective folders with the ones provided: /map folder for flat map. /gfx/loadingscreens folder for the loading screens. >>>I take no responsibility if any of this causes any kind of problems. Cause it shouldnt. Your PC explodes, be an adult and blame the java updater. v1: release. Credits: Paradox for Ck2 -----------------(bonus)LANDED TITLES:----------------- Warning: The next modification may make the game unstable. Use at your own risk! Finally, If you never play and dont care about India like many of us, you can remove the appropriate landed titles so the whole indian region becomes greyed out and the AI doesnt use it - which is a lot less people, wars, plots, etc for your CPU to handle. Do not just remove the whole India section like they tell you in other sites or it will cause problems! with p.e decisions that require some titles to exist. Anyway: I'll provide the modification to landed_titles I'm using now (for v2.2.1). I've been doing the exact same thing for every version that has rolled out in the past several months and I havent had any issues (once I figured out how to do it properly) but I can not *guarrantee* it ill work perfectly for you. Of course if it you find any issues let me know! To apply just overwrite the landed_titles file I provide with the one inside the /common/landed_titles folders. Once you boot up the game you'll see India is not playable and the AI wont use it. -Le end-

Credits: germanchok

File name Downloads Added 22 01 May 2015