Download Better Economy Mod

This X4: Foundations mod overhauls the economy by changing the amounts of resources a product needs and also the prices. It also adds a few resources to wares to make it more "realistic". Factories now needs workers to work effectively. List of changes: All wares produced in factories now needs 2 to 3 times the amount of resources they need in vanilla 1.5.; Workers now also need water and engerycells for living on your stations.; A factory starts with 10% of production efficiency if no worker is available. This is done by changing the output to 10% and increasing the worker effect by a factor of 10. Disadvantage every factory shows you only a tenth of the production out put, and not the real maximum.); engine parts now need field coils (it makes no sense, that they only need metal and antimatter cells, also the engine it self does not have it.); maja snails and meat porduction now needs sojabeans and wheat.; missle components now needs antimettercells; turret components now needs weapon components; all prices are changed due to changed resource amount/price (change List is to long).; Some Xenon chip parts are less expensive; Swampplant and sunrise flower have lower prices; missles have lower prices; construction costs therefore increased for all must everything.; Energycells price decreased to 5 to 9, since even with all the changes they a produced for 1.2 credits.; Mining resources not changed, waiting to see the impact.; Changed update behavior of the workforce to shorten the time until station is profitable.

Credits: Horuchs

File name Downloads Added
Better Economy Mod 4 19 Jan 2019