In fact the online petition has cleared over 106,000 signatures now, pleading with Blizzard to include a LAN feature in StarCraft II that doesn’t require Internet access at all.
They argue it would ”bring further depth and life” to the game. Blizz have said they want the new to be the multiplayer conduit for all their games now, which will include Diablo III.
”We, your most loyal fans, implore you to reconsider adding LAN as a network feature to StarCraft II. This is a response to the announcement that the only multiplayer in StarCraft II will be via,” reads the online petition.
”We understand you will be adding amazing new features to that you can’t talk about yet, but regardless of any features you might add online, we would still like to be able to play in a traditional network where no internet connection is needed. For an internet connection might not always be available.”
”LAN is what birthed SC popularity in the first place. Please don’t ignore the heritage of the original game.” Does a LAN-lacking StarCraft II worry you, videogamer?
Source: Eurogamer