Planet 51 is a galactic sized alien adventure comedy from the writer of “Shrek” and “Shrek 2”, the story revolves around American astronaut Captain Charles “Chuck” Baker who lands on Planet 51 thinking he’s the first person to step foot there. To his surprise he finds that this planet is inhabited by little green people who are happily living in a white picket fence world, reminiscent of a cheerfully innocent 1950s America, and whose only fear is that it will be overrun by alien invaders…like Chuck! With the help of his robot companion “Rover”, and his new friend Lem, Chuck must navigate his way through the dazzling, but bewildering, landscape of Planet 51 in order to escape becoming a permanent part of the Planet 51 Alien Invaders Space Museum.
Planet 51 is scheduled for theatrical release in the United Stateson November 20, 2009 by Sony Pictures, and around the world by leading independent distributors.
“We are delighted to have SEGA on board,” commented Ignacio Perez Dolset , CEO of Pyro Studios and Ilion Animation Studios. “Pyro strives to produce high quality games and we are pleased to have the right partner for worldwide publishing. Sega´s expertise in the video games industry, together with the quality of the game will make Planet 51 a Thanksgiving blockbuster”.
“SEGA are thrilled to be creating this new relationship with Pyro Studios,” commented Mike Hayes, President and COO of SEGA Europe. “We are continually striving to release games for all consumers and this project will enable us to further enhance our global entertainment business to a wider audience”.