Part of the reason for this was that the campaign was cut short to make it’s release date, as senior engineering lead Chris Butcher described the project as a ”three act tragedy”.
According to Butcher, “The first act was when we were all optimistic and fun, we were saying “this game is going to be 70 times more fun than Halo 1, because we’ve got all these great vehicles and environments and we’re just going to jam in as much stuff as we can,”
He went on to say that their enthusiasm ”lead us into some very, very scary places, with a graphics engine that was “totally unsuited” to Xbox and levels that “didn’t make sense in a shooter”.
Bungie COO Pete Parsons stated, “We had to throw out a lot of stuff that we’d wanted to do”, and blamed some of the issues from the absence of studio founders Alex Seropian and Jason Jones, which made them develop Halo 2 ”by committee”.
”Before Halo 2, we could fail in silence and in misery but no-one really knew we were failing,” writer Joseph Staten added. ”But with something like Halo 2, everyone knew we’d cut missions at the end, that we’d lopped off our third act - we failed spectacularly in public as far as the story was concerned.”
However, one thing all agree on is that players rushed through the single player campaign and delved into the revolutionary multiplayer, whose matchmaking and clap support made Xbox Live finally explode and become the popular service it is now.