Developer Bossa Studios has included Team Fortress 2’s Heavy on the operating table in Surgeon Simulator 2013. You’ll get to operate ‘delicate surgery’ on the big lug. Where have we seen this before?
Bossa was inspired by Valve’s Meet the Medic short. In Surgeon Simulator 2013 we control just the hands of the surgeon as we wield scalpels, needles and saws. It’s in surgery now on Steam.
Given the nature of the game it would be perfect for Oculus Rift support, and so it’s gotten just that. The VR headgear isn’t yet out for consumers, only in dev kit form.
Surgeon Simulator 2013 will be at Rezzed in Birmingham this weekend with attendees able to try out the indie title for the first time with Oculus Rift and Razer Hydra. It’s on Steam for £6.99. The Team Fortress 2 update is out now.