Blizzard has posted a lengthy preview on the Hellfire Citadel raid, accessible through the Tanaan Jungle. It’s a ”fel-twisted bastion” with power items levels ranging 675 to 685, and up to 735 in Mythic difficulty.
There’s a new rare pet too called the Corrupted Nest Guardian. World of Warcraft heroes will initially fight off waves of enemies and salvage ammunition to use in Hellfire Cannons ready to blast the Citadel open.
The raid has some lovely names to its areas: The Iron Bulwark, Pits of Mannoroth, Court of Blood, Hellfire Antechamber, Grommash’s Torment, The Felborne Breach, Halls of the Sargerei, Destructor’s Rise and The Black Gate.
The end boss of the Hellfire Citadel raid is ”one of the original eredar who betrayed the draenei of Argus”, and his name is Archimonde the Defiler. He ”commands the military might of the Burning Legion. He arrives in Draenor, reaching across space and time, to ensure that the invasion of Azeroth proceeds as planned, and that Gul’dan does not fail his Legion masters.”
Check out the Patch 6.2 Raid Preview: Hellfire Citadel blog on for more.