EA Play in LA and London this year showcased the gritty Battlefield 1. Of course, it isn’t the first Battlefield game, but it is set during World War 1, hence the name. There’s a good chance you didn’t get to see a lot of Battlefield 1 footage, which is why IGN has put up a video online showing off footage from Battlefield 1’s closed alpha.
This gameplay footage was captured using a PC. We can’t verify this for EA Play LA, but at EA Play London the game was being played on using computers with controllers attached to them. IGN captured this footage using an NVIDIA GTX 1080, the green giant’s latest high-end graphics card.
We don’t know what frame-rate Battlefield 1 was running at, but IGN have listed their video as Battlefield 1 Full Conquest Match - 1080p 60fps (though the YouTube video doesn’t actually output 60fps). 1080p 60fps used to be the benchmark for games, however we have since moved on to 1440p 120fps, at least that’s what high-end PC players would say. The type of person to buy a GTX 1080 probably isn’t too concerned about 1080p 60fps, they would be more interested in how the game runs at 4K resolution.
We will save you some time by telling you to skip to the seventh minute. IGN’s footage of the tank combat is so boring, it could put people to sleep if they watch it for more than a few minutes. You get to see a lot of different gameplay aspects in the video, including: usage of tanks, planes, guns, more guns. It’s great!