We're just two short months away from seeing GUST's latest stab at a new IP. Blue Reflection lands dangerously close to the release of their latest sequel, Nights of Azure 2, but it's actually a title they put out late last year.
Past trailer drops have introduced us to the characters, their school life and the transformation sequences they go through to become protectors of the Common, but we haven't seen too much when it comes to the traditional turn-based RPG combat.
KOEI TECMO changed that today with a 3 minute video focusing on nothing but action - in a staying far from the battle, magical girl kind of way, at least. Breaking out into a duel typically begins by bashing a monster out in the open world. Likely triggered a 'preemptive strike' sequence if hit from behind, most of the systems in place are vet reminiscent of any number of JRPGs.
Understand The World Of 'The Common' With This New Blue Reflection Trailer
Cut Down Your Foes With More Finesse In This New Nights Of Azure 2 Gameplay Trailer
Once in battle, you're selecting actions through a menu we can imagine someone will want to port to a mobile or PC as a UI choice - it's clean, satisfying and refitting of the girl's 'Reflector' status. From here, the girls will strike poses, bash things with their Sailor Moon-esque staves and, in some cases, summon a giant teddy bear to pummel their foe or buff the party with a little dance.
Blue Reflection knows what's it doing. It counteracts its desolate other world and grotesque beasts with an overload of sugar and pumped up piano/drum mixes. It's essentially GUST turning years of Atelier fantasy into something a little more sci-fi, and it's due out toward the end of September.