LEGO DC Super-Villains is, like any other contemporary LEGO game, host to too many collectables to keep track of, though it's quite a joy to keep finding them all the time. A particular constant among these titles are the so-called Gold Bricks, and you can get them in a variety of ways.
LEGO DC Supervillains Gold Bricks are attained by either fulfilling special level-specific objectives or, alternatively, by solving puzzles throughout the overworld, and there's a grand total of 200 of them to be found.
Of the 200 Supervillains Gold Bricks, 120 require overworld puzzling, and for these you'll have to scour the game to find/solve them, while the 80 remaining ones can be received by completing aforementioned level objectives. These are spread across the game's 20 story stages, each of which can grant you a total of 4 Gold Bricks.
LEGO DC Super-Villains: How to get Story Gold Bricks
Following are the four main objectives you'll have to complete to receive all four of any given stage's Gold Bricks:
-clear the stage in Story Mode
-achieve the 'True Villain' status
-find the stage's Picture Perfect set-up
-find all five of the stage's Minikits
LEGO DC Super-Villains: What are Gold Bricks used for?
Whereas previous LEGO games have had various features that Gold Bricks could be used to unlock or enrichen, it would seem that LEGO DC Super-Villains isn't quite that exciting in that regard.
Here, you can use Gold Bricks to vandalise public statues, and - far as we can tell - do little else with them. Granted, what self-respecting super-villain wouldn't want to vandalise a statue of Superman?
We hope this helps you in getting more Gold Bricks playing LEGO DC Super-Villains, though you're going to have to do things the old-fashioned way when it comes to finding the many overworld Gold Bricks hidden across the game. Good luck!