Picking up Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord’s Company of Trouble quest is a learning experience for every fresh adventurer. Nobody expects the troublesome band of mercenaries to drain their resources so quickly.
If you’re finding yourself in a bit of a bind because of them, don’t worry: there are ways of completing the Company of Trouble quest and we’ll detail them, so you can get on with our Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord playthrough.
Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord Company of Trouble Quest
There’s a noble and less noble way of completing the Company of Trouble quest. The former involves finding a lord who actually wants to take the mercenaries off your hands.
If you’ve played through Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord even a bit, you’ll know that tracking down nobles can be a bit of a pain and having your resources drained while off on a potentially wild goose chase doesn’t make things any better.
Start moving between settlements and castles and hope there are lords or ladies in the keeps. Roaming nobles are also worth approaching.
It’s a good idea to save both at the start of the quest and before you enter the keep, in case you need to pay, to make sure you minimize your losses.
Once you’ve found a lord or lady, you need to talk to them and pass two speech checks. Doing so will result in them taking the mercenaries off your hands and successfully completing the Company of Trouble quest.
The less noble way of going about things is grouping all the mercenaries together, then finding a sizeable roaming pack of foes.
Once the battle begins, order the mercenaries to charge headfirst into the enemy without support. Dead men steal no resources.
Admittedly, killing the mercenaries doesn’t grant you the Denars you’d get by properly completing Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord’s Company of Trouble quest, but you can now look towards more profitable pursuits.
For more help with Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, check out our guides on the Spy Party quest and the Dragon Banner quest.