The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind remains a remarkable entry in the wildly popular RPG series. Almost two decades later, exploring Vvanderfell never quite lost its charm while mods help keep the experience fresh. But regardless if you’re a veteran or just now jumping in, knowing a handful of console commands and cheats can help you through some of the game’s more challenging moments or open the door to simply having more fun.
Although it’s quite old, The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind’s console commands and cheats do not require that you edit and files or launch arguments. Simply load up a save, press the tilde key (`) located next to 1, and you’ll be able to give your character powers they previously couldn’t harness.
Below, you’ll find a list of useful Morrowind console commands and cheats ranging from the famed super jump to tweaking your character’s stats on the fly and others. You do not need to type in brackets or number signs for the commands to work, in which case they change their color from brown to blue.
- Resurrect - Brings targeted corpse back to life
- Unlock - Unlocks targeted container or door
- Lock # - Locks targeted container or door. Replace # with a number between 1 and 100 to set lock level
- FillJournal - Unlocks all journal entries
- AddItem (itemID) (#) - Adds specified item to your inventory. Replace # with a number to get more than just one
- AddSpell (spellID) - Teaches you specified spell
- SetFatigue # - Sets your fatigue to specified number
- SetLevel # - Sets your level to specified number
- SetHealth # - Sets your or your target's health to specified number
- SetReputation # - Sets your reputation to specified number
- SetMagicka - Sets your Magicka to specified number
- SetPCCrimeLevel # - Sets your Bounty to specified number
- SetSuperJump (0/1) - Disables or enables super jump
- SetWaterWalking (0/1) - Disables or enables your ability to walk on water
- SetWaterBreathing (0/1) - Disables or enables your ability to breathe underwater
- ToggleCollision - Toggles collision between you, objects, and other characters in the world
- ToggleFullHelp - Detailed information about targeted objects
- ToggleGodMode - Makes you invincible
- EnableStatReviewMenu - Allows you to change your race, class, birthsign, and stats but removes your spells and disease immunity
- FillMap - Uncovers all the towns on the map
- Set GameHour To # - Lets you set the in-game clock to specified hour
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