Warcraft III: Reforged is the most recent offering of nostalgia fuel that Blizzard has given fans and, as it turns out, it comes with the cheats and console commands of the original titles.
Almost extinct nowadays, cheat codes used to give players the option of breaking the rules and having fun with infinite health, mana, gold or even offering easy tickets past missions that proved too difficult. Gotta see that next cutscene, right?
Warcraft 3: Reforged Console Commands and Cheats
Here is the list of Warcraft 3: Reforged cheat codes and console commands, most of which will prove familiar to long-time fans of Blizzard’s acclaimed real-time strategy titles:
- AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs - Instantly win the game
- SomebodySetUsUpTheBomb - Instantly lose the game
- ItVexesMe - Disable victory conditions
- StrengthAndHonor - Gameplay continues even after defeat
- Motherland (Race) (Level) - Unlocks specific campaign mission
- ISeeDeadPeople - Unlock entire map
- WarpTen - Units and buildings will be constructed quickly
- WhosYourDaddy - God mode, one-hit kill units
- DayLightSavings - Switch from daytime to nighttime
- DayLightSavings (Time) - Set the time
- LightsOut - Switch to evening
- RiseAndShine - Switch to morning
- TenthLevelTaurenChieftain - Plays some badass heavy metal
- GreedIsGood - Get 500 Gold and Wood
- GreedIsGood (Amount) - Get (Amount) of Gold and Wood
- KeyserSoze: - Get 500 Gold
- KeyserSoze (Amount): - Get (Amount) of Gold
- LeafItToMe - Get 500 Wood
- LeafItToMe (Amount) - Get (Amount) of Wood
- PointBreak - Infinite Food
- ThereIsNoSpoon - Infinite Mana
- TheDudeAbides - Spell cooldown time reduced
- SharpAndShiny - Unlock all upgrades
- Synergy - Disables tech tree
- WhoIsJohnGalt - Research tech faster
- IocainePowder - Fast death and decay
Warcraft III: Reforged is out now on PC.