0x10c Summary
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Notch: Level of attention "started zapping the fun out" of 0x10c

Minecraft creator Markus 'Notch' Persson has just posted a new blog discussing the state of his "quite ambitious" 0x10c project, which he mentally shelved as 'on ice' after losing the warp drive to continue it.
0x10c would have been his third "omg you can do anything" title, but pressure built too high and it wasn't so fun anymore. Project Trillek is "absolutely amazing".
Markus Persson's ambitious space sim 0x10c in limbo

Mojang studio founder Markus Persson has revealed that his space sim 0x10c is currently on extended hiatus, due to a "creative block" from the developer.
Markus Persson releases test footage of 0x10c

Markus "Notch" Persson has released a tech demo video for his upcoming space trading sim 0x10c. The footage basically tests lighting and minor physics.
Rumor: Notch tweets game devs will kill selves after 0x10c is "dropped"

It seems that Markus "Notch" Persson has either cancelled his far-flung futuristic space strategy game 0x10c - or thinks it's the most gangstah game ever.
Notch may start over on space sim 0x10c because it's

Markus "Notch" Persson has announced during an interview with the Penny Arcade Report that he may be starting over on his far future space sim 0x10c, stating that the game is simply "not fun".