Age of Empires Online Latest Updates
Microsoft posts job advert for a developer role on "beloved strategy game franchise"

A job advert popped up on the Microsoft Careers website recently, searching for a senior software engineer to work at Decisive Games on "the next installment in a beloved strategy game franchise". Considering Microsoft don't own the rights to too many strategy series that you'd call "beloved", the only one that springs immediately to mind is classic RTS Age of Empires. Might that be what Decisive is working on?
Microsoft job listing seeks 'principal lead' for "established and well-loved" strategy IP

There are doings afoot over at Microsoft's Redmond campus as they want a senior games developer to join their team who are working on "an established and well-loved" strategy franchise. It's a AAA project. No Windows Phone exclusive nonsense presumably, and PC might be getting some Microsoft love after all. Age of Empires is Microsoft's strategy flagship series.
Gas Powered Games confirms major layoffs

Gas Powered Games is currently funding its next game, Wildman, on Kickstarter, and it seems the studio really needs the money, as founder Chris Taylor has confirmed earlier reports this evening that the developer laid off a "significant" portion of its staff, roughly 40 employees.
Age of Empires Online won't be seeing any more content

Microsoft's free-to-play real-time strategy game Age of Empires Online won't be getting any new content anymore, as that has become too expensive for the developer, Gas Powered Games.
Vikings invade Age of Empires Online

A new faction has come to the free-to-play RTS Age of Empires Online, and they come from the northern reaches of Scandinavia: the Norse civilization.