American Truck Simulator Latest Updates
American Truck Simulator's Update 1.40 Now Live With New Lighting System, Extended Chassis Updates, and More

American Truck Simulator's Update 1.40 also introduces new extended chassis options and updates the Western Star 49X.
American Truck Simulator's Next DLC Takes Players to Idaho

American Truck Simulator's Idaho DLC is due out next year.
American Truck Simulator's 1:20 Scale Update Brings More Than Just Wider Roads

We reported sometime last month that the open roads of American Truck Simulator were going to hit the gallon big gulps. With Open Beta behind us, the time has arrived to brave the wider lanes of the Great American Highway.
The Open Roads Of American Truck Simulator Just Got A Whole Lot Bigger

It's Thursday, the weekend is nearly here, but you can't face the thought of pushing through with Friday to get there. With a long week almost behind you, you'd rather start the wind-down early by riding the open road in the most patriotic truck you can find. The American Truck Simulator update just made the virtual world considerably bigger.
You can take your truck simulators to the Steam workshop soon

Hey, it’s me. Gamewatcher’s resident American Truck Simulator evangelist. Are you ready for some ATS news? Well, hold on to your swindle sheets, because this news hits international truckers just the same.