Arcania: Gothic 4 Latest Updates
Weekly Humble Bundle includes Nordic Games
This week's Weekly Humble Bundle Games Sale features titles developed by Nordic Games for PC, highlighted by Painkiller: Hell & Damnation, Darksiders II and the Supreme Commander 2 bundle.
Piranha claims JoWood forced early release of Gothic 3
Now that JoWood is effectively no more, Piranha Bytes is pulling no punches over the treatment of the Gothic series by the publisher. In particular, Piranha claims that Gothic 3 was forced out the door too early by JoWood.
Gothic returns to Piranha Bytes?
Piranha Bytes is claiming that after Risen 2, they will be developing and publishing the next Gothic game, stating that JoWood's licensing agreement ends at an unspecified time soon.
Gothic 4 add-on delay 'indefinite,' legally "unclear and diverse"
Publisher JoWood has confirmed that ArcaniA - Gothic 4's add-on Fall of Setarrif has been delayed "indefinitely," citing brewing legal troubles for the game. In fact they call its legal background "unclear and diverse" surrounding the main games funding. Until this is cleared up JoWood are keeping it "on hold".
Gothic 4 standalone expansion revealed
JoWooD Entertainment and Spellbound Entertainment have announced that a standalone expansion to Arcania: Gothic 4 will be released on March 25, called Arcania: Fall of Setarrif.