Don't Starve Together Summary
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Don't Starve Together Console Commands and Cheats

Spawn in creatures, craft to your heart's content, and effortlessly shrug off damage with these Don't Starve Together console commands and cheats.
Don't Starve Together's Newest Character Wormwood Now Live

Players can now wield a portion of nature's strength through Wormwood the Lonesome, the leafiest addition to Don't Starve Together's playable roster.
Don't Starve's multiplayer expansion Don't Starve Together available now free for owners of the core game

Owners of Klei Entertainment's Gothic survival game Don't Starve now have access to Don’t Starve Together, its co-operative multiplayer component. Interestingly, the multiplayer mode is not actually finished yet; it was released on Early Access in December last year, and set to be released for free to owners of the core game once it was completed. Klei has decided to push that release forward, but they will continue to work on update patches and bits of new content.
Reign of Giants expansion content added to Don't Starve Together today

Klei Entertainment has sneaked Don't Starve expansion Reign of Giants' content into the survival game's standalone multiplayer spin-off Don’t Starve Together a bit earlier than expected, along with a few tweaks to the core game's mechanics.
Don't Starve Together opening up beta in December, free content due in Spring 2015

Klei Entertainment has posted a roadmap for Don't Starve, specifically the new multiplayer expansion Don't Starve Together. The studio is going to give beta keys to all 80,000 registrations who signed up. There's also free content on the horizon with Through the Ages, which is out in Spring 2015. For those who really want in the beta, Klei have announced the Frontier Pack for 'safe' purchases.