Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition Latest Updates
Dying Light devs pledge another year of support

I was absolutely shocked by how much I enjoyed Dying Light last year. It’s an open-world zombie game! Three out of every four titles released these days are open-world zombie games! Yet its unique take on parkour survival meant that it hit for me in a way similar titles didn’t.
Dying Light: The Following’s Spotlight Edition costs $10,000,000

Special editions are really getting out of hand. Some cheap statue, maybe an art book or a map, and you’re paying upwards of $100 for it. Maybe more if there’s some kind of electronic toy. But it looks like Techland’s got ‘em all beat.
Nightmare Mode in The Following expansion to Dying Light brings the pain

So, has Dying Light become too easy? Techland has announced one of the upcoming features of Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition: the Nightmare mode, which "restricts overpowered Easter Egg weapons, introduces XP penalties for dying, ramps up the difficulty of enemies, and more."