Endless Space 2 Mods

Best mods

OverColonization Rebalance

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

It's a little lame to always have to worry about over-colonization penalties isn't it? Especially on larger maps. That's where this mod comes in handy. It reduces the over-colonization penalty and increases the over-colonization threshold on most planets. Add to that, there's a rebalancing of several different factors related to population and you're set to expand your empire massively and take advantage of those big maps.

Endless Modules

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

Your fleet is about to get a serious boost in prospective tactical capabilities. This mod gives every ship extra slots for defensive and supporting modules, allowing for much more opportunity in both fields to gird your ship capabilities to the max. Become an unbreakable wall against the aggression of your foes.

Sandbox Mod

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

This mod is made for you to play around at your leisure with everything that Endless Space 2 has to offer. It unlocks traits, minor factions, population points, and more to give you the means to access things, see how they sync up, and test the fullest features of Endless Space 2 out with relative ease.

Vodyani space tortilla ships

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

The Vodyani are an interesting race, but one of their ships is... slightly weird looking to say the least. This mod makes it the Vodyani Arks to be the way they ought to. It recolors them and gives them a certain graphic in various announcements. Bring tortilla war to the galaxy and bank on your Arks not crunching under the salty pressure of the universe!

UltraFast - Buildings

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

Space Rome wasn't build in a day, but it almost could be with this mod. This one allows for a few new build speed options when you start the game. You can opt for buildings to take half the usual time to build or even bump it down to one turn to build anything. This will quicken the pace immensely as you rapidly build up your utopia.

Rich Colors - Palette Mod

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

Want to color it up like never before in Endless Space 2? This mod will help you do it. It reworks the old palette and lends a wealth of new colors to the game build to give your games a little more variety in faction appearance. fifteen new major faction colors and three improved minor faction colors come to the game, so start it up and color away!

Scions of the Endless

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

Looking to boost the unique natures of your custom races even further than ever? This mod will help. It lends over 65 new and unique traits built to answer most needs and boost your game. There's even a trait that allows for a massive set of additional trait points so you can play around, experiment, and see what works best.

All Strategic Weapons Available

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

Are you tired of having to decide between paths in your weaponry? If you have the resources to take them, wouldn't you rather just be able to research any of the mass destructive forces you crave? This mod makes it possible. Essentially, all weapon technologies that would require strategic resources will be able to be researched.

Artificial Planets

  • [Mod]
  • Posted over 7 years ago

If you're looking to make something more of any and all Gas planets, then this mod will help you along the way. It allows you to terraform gas planets into telluric planets, making them often more usable to most races and civilizations. There are some requirements, such as researching terraform technology of course, but this should allow you to make better use of otherwise limited planets.

More Traits

  • [Mod]
  • Posted almost 8 years ago

We've got traits, traits, and more traits with this mod and the focus this time is on heroes. This mod allows for a grand slew of new customizable options regarding your heroes, allowing them to boost science, trading, engineering, lower their own upkeep, barter treaties better, and more. You'll be able to craft your heroes into greater specialists than you'd ever previously dreamed of.