Factorio Summary
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Factorio 2.0 and Space Age Expansion Release Date - Latest News

Wube Software confirms that Factorio's upcoming Space Age Expansion and free 2.0 update will arrive together in October 2024.
Factorio Console Commands and Cheats

Here is a list of handy Factorio console commands and cheats to help you with building the automated factory of your dreams.
The Best Indie Games on PC

Sometimes, small indie teams produce the most engaging gameplay, the most captivating stories. Here are the best indie Ggames on PC you can play today.
Factorio Is Getting "one big expansion pack", Has Sold Over 2.5 Million Copies

Factorio's upcoming expansion is currently in early development and will likely not be out in less than a year's time.
Factorio Patch Notes 1.0 - Changelog Reveals Spidertron and Freeplay Crash Site

After more than 8 years, Factorio's 1.0 update has finally gone live, adding the Spidertron, polluted water effects and more.